The troublesome conundrum of EVE TEASING

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Sunita had to work late in the office. She managed to catch the last bus. The office bus dropped her on the stop, wherefrom she’d stride down to her house situated in a proper residential area. Just when she reached her lane, she felt a smash on her backside. Before she could understand what happened and react, the man on the bike had already swerved off.
Divya stepped on the street early morning. She got on the main road to catch the bus. That’s when a truck hurtled towards her, almost knocking her to death. The driver had guts to look back and laugh evilly making profane comments.
Jasmine boarded a crowded bus. She got no place to sit, yet somehow managed to squeeze into the tight space. Unable to bear with the advances of a middle-aged man standing behind her in the crowded bus, she got down at the immediate next stop.
Bindu missed her bus to the office. She got into the rickshaw. The rickshaw driver adjusted his rear view mirror to get a better look at her while she kept avoiding any eye contact, tightly clutching her bag all through the journey.
These are the day to day experiences of a working woman, a college going student, a school girl.

We call it the modern era. The 21st century. Where women and men are looked at, as equals. Is it really the case? Is this era equally safe for both the genders? Why can’t she walk the roads freely without having to constantly look over her shoulder? Will women forever remain targets and victims of eve teasing?

Are there any answers to these questions?

Irrespective of the age, the dress, the looks, the educational, professional and marital status... irrespective of the time, the place, women are subjected to all kinds of mistreatment starting from stalking to eve teasing. The menace of eve teasing is only growing in appalling proportions. Being the fastest growing nation, also brings along the fastest growing problems; one of them being the irreverence of eve teasing. These disturbing incidents usually take place on streets, public transport, offices, other public places. A known problem it is, yet nothing has been done to ensure the safety of women.
What the government will do about it, we can’t really tell. But we, the women, can certainly take precautions and protect ourselves from eve teasing by being STREET SMART.

Few points to remember:
• Most of us carry an umbrella every day. While walking on a lonely street, keep the umbrella handy to knock off any attempter.
• Arm yourself with a swiss knife, pepper spray or carrying pins to ensure safety.
• Learn some form of self defence.
• If something happens, raise an outcry, as loud as you can.
• Try to travel with a male company; especially at odd hours.
• Call up police if there seems no other solution.

Eve teasing contravenes the basic right of woman to live in dignity. It can leave a lasting psychological effect on women.
Let’s try to FIGHT TOGETHER and weed out this evil.


Nirupama said...

Hey Vandu,
So agree with all the incidents you've listed down! It's like an everyday thing! You have to think twice before getting into a crammed bus!
Wish women can live without thinking so much!
Also you should avoid standing at the end of the ladies section, where the men's section starts in the bus. And alarm the conductor if someone misbehaves in the bus, expose their pervert behaviour, make them feel ashamed.
Hopefully it'll work out!
Take care! (Sorry for the long comment)

Vandana said...

hey Niru!! I totally support that any person displaying pervert behavior should be embarrassed to the core... They deserve that!!
No apologies for the long comment.. such issues should be commented on!